Plant Production Systems
Author(s) | Year | Title link | Keywords | Publisher | Country |
de Jager I., Giller K.E., Brouwer I.D. | 2018 | Food and nutrient gaps, smallholder farms, diet | PLoS ONE, 13, e0204014-26. | Ghana | |
Franke A.C., van den Brand G.J., Vanlauwe B. & Giller K.E. | 2018 | Sustainable intensification through rotations with grain legumes in Sub-Saharan Africa: A review. |
Sustainable intensification through rotations with grain legumes in Sub-Saharan Africa: A review. | Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 261, 172-185. | Sub-Saharan Africa |
Gil J.D.B., Reidsma P., Giller K., Todman L., Whitmore A., van Ittersum M. | 2018 | Sustainable development goal 2: Improved targets and indicators for agriculture and food security. |
sustainable, improved targets, indicators, food security. | Ambio, 1-14. | Nigeria, Brazil and the Netherlands |
Kermah M., Franke A.C., Adjei-Nsiah S., Ahiabor B.D.K., Abaidoo R.C. & Giller K.E. | 2018 | N2-fixation, legumes | Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 261, 201-210. | Ghana | |
Kermah M., Franke A.C., Ahiabor B.D., Adjei-Nsiah S., Abaidoo R.C., Giller K.E. | 2018 | Legume, maize, intensification | Experimental Agriculture, online. | Ghana | |
Leonardo W., van de Ven G.W.J., Kanellopoulos A., Giller K.E. | 2018 | Can farming provide a way out of poverty for smallholder farmers in central Mozambique? |
poverty, smallholder farmers | Agricultural Systems, 165, 240-251. | Mozambique |
Marinus W., Ronner E., van de Ven G.W.J., Kanampiu F., Adjei-Nsiah S., Giller K.E. | 2018 | sustainable farming, indicators | Routledge pp. 427-449. | Africa | |
Masvaya E.N., Nyamangara J., Giller K.E. & Descheemaeker K. | 2018 | Risk management options in maize cropping systems in semi-arid areas of Southern Africa. |
risk management, maize cropping | Field Crops Research, 228, 110-121. | Southern Africa |
Mellisse B.T., Descheemaeker K., Giller K.E., Abebe T., van de Ven G.W.J. | 2018 | home gardens,productivity, plant species,food security. | Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 252, 1-13. | Ethiopia | |
Rahman N., de Neergaard A., Magid J., van de Ven G.W.J., Giller K.E. & Bruun T.B. | 2018 | Changes in soil organic carbon stocks after conversion from forest to oil palm plantations in Malaysian Borneo. | Environmental Research Letters, 13, 105001-11. | Malaysian Borneo | |
Rhebergen T., Fairhurst T., Whitbread A., Giller K.E., Zingore S. | 2018 | Yield gap, productivity, oil palm | Agricultural Systems, 165, 14-25. | Ghana | |
Ronner E., Descheemaeker K., Almekinders C.J.M., Ebanyat P., Giller, K.E. | 2018 | adaptation, climbing bean production | Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 261, 186-200. | Uganda | |
Ronner E., Descheemaeker K., Marinus W., Almekinders C.J.M., Ebanyat P., Giller K.E. | 2018 | climbing beans, farming systems,opportunities, | Agricultural Systems, 165, 97-110. | Uganda | |
Rurangwa E., Vanlauwe B., Giller K.E. | 2018 | inoculation,fertilizer,manure,yields,common bean,soybean,maize. | Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 261, 219-229. | Rwanda | |
Sida T.S., Baudron F., Haekoo K., Giller K.E. | 2018 | Agroforestry,trees,climatic extremes, Central Rift Valley | Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 248, 339-347. | Ethiopia | |
van Heerwaarden J., Baijukya F., Kyei-Boahen S., Adjei-Nsiah S., Ebanyat P., Kamai, N., Wolde-Meskel E., Kanampiu F., Vanlauwe B., Giller K. | 2018 | Soyabean,rhizobium inoculation, ,variation,promiscuity. | Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 261, 211-218. | Sub-Saharan Africa | |
van Vugt D., Franke A.C. & Giller K.E. | 2018 | N2-fixation,soybean-maize rotations, smallholder farmers,Malawi. | Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 261, 241-250. | Malawi | |
Wolde-Meskel E., van Heerwaarden J., Abdulkadir B., Kassa S., Aliyi I., Degefu T., Wakweya K., Kanampiu F., Giller K.E. | 2018 | rhizobium,inoculation,fertilizer,smallholder farms,Ethiopia. | Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 261, 144-152. | Ethiopia | |
Aune J.B., Coulibaly A., Giller K.E. | 2017 | Precision farming for increased land and labour productivity in semi-arid West Africa. A review. |
agricultural intensification, micro-dosing, seed management, pearl millet, sorghum, groundnut, mechanization | gronomy for Sustainable Development, 37, 16. | West Africa |
Ezui K.S., Franke A.C., Leffelaar P.A., Mando A., van Heerwaarden J., Sanabria J., Sogbedji J., Giller K.E. | 2017 | Water and radiation use efficiencies explain the effect of potassiumon the productivity of cassava |
light interception, potential water transpiration, leaf area index, nitrogen, phosphorus, Togo | European Journal of Agronomy, 83, 28-39 | Togo |
Falconnier G.N., Descheemaeker K., Van Mourik T.A., Adam M., Sogoba B., Giller K.E. | 2017 | Co-learning cycles to support the design of innovative farm systems in southern Mali. |
food self-sufficiency, income, ex ante trade-off analysis, participatory research | European Journal of Agronomy, 89, 61-74 | Mali |
Masvaya E.N., Nyamangara J., Descheemaeker K., Giller K.E. | 2017 | below-ground complementarity, interspecific facilitation, land-use efficiency, niche differentiation, root distribution, root length density | Field Crops Research, 209, 73–87. | Southern Africa | |
Mugunga C.P., Giller K.E., Mohren G.M.J. | 2017 | Tree-crop interactions in maize-eucalypt woodlot systems in southern Rwanda. |
Eucalyptus woodlots, environmental resources, agroforestry system, tree-crop interface | European Journal of Agronomy, 86, 78-86. | Rwanda |
Ritzema R.S., Frelat R., Douxchamps S., Silvestri S., Rufino M.C., Herrero M., Giller K.E., Lopez-Ridaura S., Teufel N., Paul B.K., Wijk M.T. | 2017 | sustainable intensification, food availability, food security, household analysis, householdmodeling, production intensification | Food Security, 9, 115-131 | East and West Africa | |
Traore B., Descheemaeker K., van Wijk M.T., Corbeels M., Supit I., Giller K.E. | 2017 | crop simulation modelling, planting date, fertilizer use, APSIM, Sub-Saharan Africa, climate change | Field Crops Research, 201, 133-145 | Mali | |
Valença de A.W., Bake A., Brouwer I.D., Giller K.E. | 2017 | Agronomic biofortification of crops to fight hidden hunger in sub-Saharan Africa. |
micronutrient deficiency, foliar fertilization, Sub-Saharan Africa, soil fertility, plant nutrition, human nutrition | Global Food Security, 12, 8-14. | Sub-Saharan Africa |
van Vliet J.A., Giller K.E. | 2017 | Cocoa, nutrition | Advances in Agronomy, 141, 185-270 | World | |
van Vugt D., Franke A.C., Giller K.E. | 2017 | natural abundance method, crop rotation, nitrogen fixation, soil fertility, yield variability | Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 1-0. | Malawi | |
Woittiez L.S., van Wijk M.T., Slingerland M., Van Noordwijk M., Giller K.E. | 2017 | Yield gaps in oil palm: A quantitative review of contributing factors |
palm oil ,perennial, yield, intensification, physiology, management | European Journal of Agronomy, 83, 57-77 | World |
Descheemaeker K., Oosting S.J., Tui S.H.-K., Masikati P., Falconnier G.N., Giller K.E. | 2016 | farm size, risk, agricultural model, farming systems analysis, poverty, food security | Regional Environmental Change, 1–13 | Sub_Saharan Africa | |
Ezui K.S., Franke A.C., Mando A., Ahiabor B.D.K., Tetteh F.M., Sogbedji J., Janssen B.H., Giller K.E. | 2016 | Fertiliser requirements for balanced nutrition of cassava across eight locations in West Africa. |
QUEFTS, nutrient use efficiency, crop nutrient equivalent, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, harvest index | Field Crops Research, 185, 69–78 | West Africa |
Falconnier G.N., Descheemaeker K., Van Mourik T.A., Giller K.E | 2016 | Intercropping, cereals, legumes, soil type, rotation. | Field Crops Research, 187, 113–126 | Mali | |
Farrow A., Ronner E., van den Brand G., Boahen S.K., Leonardo W., Wolde-Meskel E., Adjei-Nsiah S., Chikowo R., Baijukya F., Ebanyat P., Ademola Sangodele E., Phiphira, L., Woomer P.L., Ampadu-Boakye T., Baars E., Kanampiu F., Vanlauwe B. | 2016 | From best fit technologies to best fit scaling: Incorporating and evaluating factors affecting the adoption of grain legumes in sub-Saharan Africa. |
adoption, grain legumes, sub-Saharan Africa | Experimental Agriculture | Sub-Saharan Africa |
Franke A.C., Baijukya F., Kantengwa S., Reckling M., Vanlauwe B., Giller K.E | 2016 | indicators ,climbing bean, productivity, northern Rwanda | Experimental Agriculture | Rwanda | |
Frelat, R., Lopez-Ridaura, S., Giller, K.E., Herrero M., Douxchamps S., Djurfeldt A.A., Erenstein O., Henderson, B. Kassie, M., Paul B.K., Rigolot C., Ritzema R.S., Rodriguez D., van Asten P.J.A., van Wijk M.T. | 2016 | Drivers of household food availability in sub-Saharan Africa based on big data from small farms. |
food security; smallholder farmers; yield gap; resource scarcity; farm size | PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 113, 458-463 | Sub-Saharan Africa |
Ng’ang’a S.K., Bulte E.H., Giller K.E., Ndiwa N.N., Kifugo S.C., McIntire J.M., Herrero M., Rufino M.C., | 2016 | Climate, Risks, Insurance, Social capital, Cognitive capital, Structural capital | Agricultural Systems, 146, 44-54 | Kenya | |
Ng’ang’a S.K., Wijk M.T., Rufino M.C., Giller K.E | 2016 | Adaptation of agriculture to climate change in semi-arid Borena, Ethiopia. |
Adoption, Adaptation, Agro-pastoralists, Boren, adaptive capacity, institutions | Regional Environmental Chang, 1-14 | Ethiopia |
Ollenburger M.H., Descheemaeker K., Crane T.A., Sanogo O.M., Giller K.E. | 2016 | Livelihood systems; Land use change; Off-farm income; Mechanization; Scenario analysis; Smallholder | Agricultural Systems, 148, 58-70 | Mali | |
Ronner E., Franke A.C., Vanlauwe B., Dianda, M., Edeh E., Ukem B., Bala A., van Heerwaarden J., Giller K.E | 2016 | Bradyrhizobium; Smallholder farmers; Sustainable intensification; West Africa | Field Crops Research,186, 133–145 | Nigeria | |
Vanlauwe B., Coe R., Giller K.E | 2016 | heterogeneity, risk, technology, smallholder farming | Experimental agriculture, 1-23 | Kenya, Rwanda | |
Woittiez L., Descheemaeker K., Giller K.E | 2016 | technologies, dryland, smallholder farming, West Africa | ICRISAT, Research Report No. 64 | West Africa | |
Andriesse W., Giller K.E. | 2015 | Soil fertility | Tropical Agriculture Association, 1-5. | Sub Saharan Africa | |
Bongers G., Fleskens L., van de Ven G., Musaka D., Giller K. E., van Asten P. | 2015 | Diversity in smallholder farms, coffee, Uganda. | Experimental Agriculture, 51, 594-614. | Uganda | |
Castellanos-Navarrete A., Tittonell P., Rufino M.C., Giller K.E. | 2015 | Crop–livestock interactions, Feed, Manure, Mulching, Nitrogen cycling efficiency (NCE), Soil fertility | Agricultural Systems, 134, 24–35. | Kenya | |
de Ridder N., Sanogo O.M., Rufino M.C., van Keulen H., Giller K.E. | 2015 | Milk: the new white gold? Milk production options for smallholder farmers in Southern Mali. |
Milk production | Animal 9, 1221-1229. | Mali |
Falconnier G.N., Descheemaeker K., Van Mourik T.A., Sanogo O.M., Giller K.E. | 2015 | Understanding farm trajectories and development pathways: Two decades of change in southern Mali. |
Understanding farm trajectories and development pathways: Two decades of change in southern Mali. | Agricultural Systems, 139, 210-222. | Mali |
Giller K.E., Andersson J.A., Corbeels M., Kirkegaard J., Mortensen D., Erenstein O., Vanlauwe B. | 2015 | conservation agriculture | . Frontiers in Plant Science 6, 870. | Global | |
Leonardo W., van de Ven G., Udo H., Kanellopoulos A., Giller K. E. | 2015 | farmtypes, labour use, productivity, alcohol consumption, weeding | Food Security, 7,857-874. | Mozambique | |
Leonardo W.J., Florin M.J., van de Ven G.W.J., Udo H., Giller K.E | 2015 | food availability, access to food, food stability, utilization of food, farm types, outgrower, employment | Biomass and Bioenergy, 83, 257–268 | Mozambique | |
Mugunga C.P., Kool D., Wijk M.T., Mohren G.M.J., Giller K.E | 2015 | Water use by short rotation Eucalyptus woodlots in southern Rwanda. |
leaf area index, potential tree transpiration, catchment water balance, Busoro catchment, Butare catchment | Agroforestry Systems, Volume 89, 1119–1139 | Rwanda |
Murungweni C., MT v. W., Smaling E. M. A., Giller K. E | 2015 | cropping, risk, drought, landscape position, manure. | Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 1-16. | All Countries | |
Naudin K., Husson O., Scopel E., Auzoux S., Giner S., Giller K. E. | 2015 | Madagascar, cover cropsAccess data base, cropping system prototyping, decision rules. | European Journal of Agronomy, 69, 21-31. | All Countries | |
Rurinda J., van Wijk M.T. Mapfumo, P., Descheemaeker K., Supit I., Giller K.E., | 2015 | Climate change and maize yield in southern Africa: what can farm management do? |
Climate change, maize, Southern Africa | Global Change Biology, 21, 4588–4601 | Southern Africa |
Rusinamhodzi L., van Wijk M.T., Corbeels M., Rufino, M.C., Giller, K.E. | 2015 | crop-livestock, Zimbabwe, intensification | Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 214, 31-45. | Zimbabwe | |
Sassen M., Sheil D., Giller K.E. | 2015 | Fuelwood collection and its impacts on a protected tropical mountain forest in Uganda. |
Forest conservation, Fuelwood, Human impacts, Tree species, Mt Elgon, Uganda | Forest Ecology and Management, 354, 56-67 | Uganda |
Traore B., van Wijk M. T., Descheemaeker K., Corbeels M., Rufino M. C., Giller K. E. | 2015 | Climate variability and change, Mali, farmer perceptions, on-farm trials. | Experimental Agriculture, 51, 615-634. | Mali | |
van Vliet J.A., Schut A.G.T., Reidsma P., Descheemaeker K., Slingerland M., van de Ven G.W.J., Giller K.E | 2015 | De-mystifying family farming: Features, diversity and trends across the globe. |
farm ownership, resource use, agricultural development, farm size, farming systems | Global Food Security, 5, 11–18 | Globe |
van Vliet J.A., Slingerland M., Giller K.E. | 2015 | Mineral nutrition of cocoa | WUR Research Report | West Africa | |
Vanlauwe B., Descheemaeker K., Giller K.E., Huising J., Merckx R., Nziguheba G., Wendt J., Zingore S. | 2015 | Integrated soil fertility management in sub-Saharan Africa: unravelling local adaptation. |
Integrated soil fertility management, sub-Saharan Africa, local adaptation. | SOIL 1,491-508 | All Countries |
Wang N., Jassogne L., van Asten P. J. A., Mukasa D., Wanyama I., Kagezi, G., Giller K. E. | 2015 | production constraints, boundary line analysis, plant density, mulching, soil fertility | European Journal of Agronomy, 63, 1-11. | Uganda | |
Andersson J.A., Giller K.E., Sumberg J., Thompson J. | 2014 | conservation agriculture | Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 196, 21–23 | Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia | |
Baudron F., Giller K.E. | 2014 | biodiversity, land sparing, land sharing, low external input agriculture, intensification | Biological Conservation,170, 232–245 | Global | |
Bucagu C., Vanlauwe B., van Wijk M.T., Giller K.E. | 2014 | Resource use and food self-sufficiency at farm scale within two agro-ecological zones of Rwanda. |
Agro-ecological zones, Farmer resource group, Field type, Partial nutrient balance, Food self-sufficiency. | Food Security, 6, 609–28. | Rwanda |
Franke A.C., van den Brand G.J., Giller K.E. | 2014 | Farm typologies, Groundnut, Soybean, Maize, Crop model. | European Journal of Agronomy, 58, 28–38. | Malawi | |
Hengsdijk H., Franke A.C., van Wijk M.T., Giller K.E. | 2014 | food self-sufficiency, land gap analysis | Plant Research International, Wageningen UR, 562. | Sub Saharan Africa | |
Hoffmann M.P., Castaneda Vera A., van Wijk M.T., Giller K.E., Oberthür T., Donough C., Whitbread A.M. | 2014 | tree crop modeling, potential yield map, Indonesia, Malaysia, oil palm physiology | Agricultural Systems, 131, 1–10 | Indonesia | |
Kamanga B.C.G., Kanyama-Phiri G.Y., Waddington S.R., Almekinders C.J.M., Giller K.E., | 2014 | analytic hierarchy process, benefits, farmer resource endowment, grain legume, green manure, weed management | Food Security, 6, 45–59 | Malawi | |
Klapwijk C.J., Bucagu C., van Wijk M.T., Udo H.M.J., Vanlauwe B., Munyanziza E., Giller K.E. | 2014 | ‘One cow per poor family’ programme, Ubudehe ,Resource groups ,Fodder availability Scenarios, Rwanda | Agricultural Systems, 131, 11–22. | Rwanda | |
Klapwijk C.J., van Wijk M.T., Rosenstock T.S., Van Asten P., Thornton P.K., Giller K.E. | 2014 | Analysis of trade-offs in agricultural systems: current status and way forward. |
Analysis, trade-offs, agricultural systems | Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 6, 110-115 | All Countries |
Murungweni C., van Wijk M.T., Giller K.E., Andersson J.A., Smaling E.M.A. | 2014 | Semi-arid, Transfrontier, conservation, vulnerability, climate change, adaptation | Food Security, 6, 313-326. | Zimbabwe | |
Naudin K., Bruelle G., Salgado P., Penot E., Scopel E., Lubbers M., de Ridder N., Giller K.E. | 2014 | Conservation agriculture, Crop–livestock interactions, Forage, Crop residues, Smallholder, Linear programming | Agricultural Systems, 134, 1–12. | Madagascar | |
Ojiem J.O., Franke A.C., Vanlauwe B., de Ridder N., Giller K.E. | 2014 | Agro-ecological zones, Soil fertility gradients, Legumes, Rotations, Economic analysis, Technology niches | Field Crops Research, 168, 75–85. | Kenya | |
Rurinda J., Mapfumo P., van Wijk M.T., Mtambanengwe F., Rufino M.C., Chikowo R., Giller K.E. | 2014 | climate change adaptation, crop diversification, planting date, climate variability, nutrient management | European Journal of Agronomy, 55, 29-41. | All Countries | |
Rurinda J., Mapfumo P., van Wijk M.T., Mtambanengwe F., Rufino M.C., Chikowo R., Giller K.E. | 2014 | adaptation options, extreme temperatures, increased droughts, increased rainfall variability, farmer resource endowment, vulnerability | Climate Risk Management, 3, 65–78 | Zimbabwe | |
Sattari S.Z., Van Ittersum M.K., Giller K.E., Zhang F., Bouwman A.F. | 2014 | Key role of China and its agriculture in global sustainable phosphorus management. |
sustainable phosphorus management | Environmental Research Letters, 9, 5 | China |
Taulya G., van Asten P.J.A., Leffelaar P.A., Giller K.E. | 2014 | Growth analysis, Leaf area ratio, Musa acuminata AAA-EA, Net assimilation rate, Phenotypic plasticity, Relative growth ratea | European Journal of Agronomy, 60, 41–53. | All Countries | |
van Apeldoorn D.F., Kempen B., Bartholomeus H.M., Rusinamhodzi L., Zingore S., Sonneveld M.P.W., Kok K., Giller K.E. | 2014 | Analysing soil organic C gradients in a smallholder farming village of East Zimbabwe. |
Soil organic C gradients | Environmental Research Letters, 9, 5 | Zimbabwe |
van Ittersum M.K., Giller K.E. | 2014 | The First International Conference on Global Food Security – A Synthesis. |
global food security | Global Food Security, 3, 119–124 | Global |
Vanlauwe B., Descheemaeker K., Giller K.E., Huising J., Merckx R., Nziguheba, G., Wendt J., Zingore S. | 2014 | Integrated soil fertility management in sub-Saharan Africa: unravelling local adaptation. |
integrated soil fertility | SOIL Discussions, 1, 1239-1286. | Sub-Saharan Africa |
Vanlauwe B., Wendt J., Giller K.E., Corbeels M., Gerard B. | 2014 | Mulch, Integrated Soil Fertility Management, Smallholder farmers, Organic resources. | Field Crops Research, 167, 159. | All Countries | |
Vanlauwe B., Wendt J., Giller K.E., Corbeels M., Gerard B., Nolte C. | 2014 | mulch, integrated soil fertility management, smallholder farmers, organic resources | Field Crops Research, 155, 10-13. | All Countries | |
Wairegi L.W.I., van Asten P.J.A., Giller K.E., Fairhurst T.H. | 2014 | African Soil Health Consortium: Banana-Coffee System Cropping Guide. |
banana, coffee, cropping guide | Africa Soil Health Consortium | Africa |
Abdulkadir A., Leffelaar P.A., Agbenin J.O., Giller K.E. | 2013 | Nutrient flows and balances in urban and peri-urban agroecosystems of Kano, Nigeria. |
MONQI, NUTMON, Sustainability, Farm management, Production systems, Farm types | Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 95, 231-254. | Nigeria |
Bucagu C., Vanlauwe B., Giller K.E. | 2013 | Organic mulching, Economic evaluation, Intercropping, Limiting nutrient, Agroecological intensification | European Journal of Agronomy, 48, 19-29. | All Countries | |
Giller K.E., Franke A.C., Abaidoo R., Baijukya F., Bala A., Boahen S., Dashiell K., Kantengwa S., Sanginga J.M., Sanginga N., Simmons A.J., Turner A., de Wolf, J., Woomer P., Vanlauwe B. | 2013 | N2Africa: Putting nitrogen fixation to work for smallholder farmers in Africa. |
Nitrogen fixation, smallholder farmers | Book chapter in: Agro-Ecological Intensification of Agricultural Systems in the African Highlands, 156 -174. | All Countries |
Giller, K.E. | 2013 | Guest Editorial: Can we define the term 'farming systems'? A question of scale. |
Farming systems, scale | Outlook on Agriculture, 42, 149-153. | All Countries |
Kamanga B.C.G., Waddington S.R., Whitbread A.M., Almekinders C.J.M., Giller K.E. | 2013 | Fertiliser efficiency, smallholder farmers, maize | Experimental Agriculture, 50, 229-249. | Malawi | |
Mapfumo P., Adjei-Nsiah S., Mtambanengwe F., Chikowo R., Giller K.E. | 2013 | Adaptive capacity, Farmer learning centers, Food security, Land tenure conflicts, Participatory action research, Zunde raMambo | Environmental Development, 5, 6-22. | All Countries | |
Milgroom J., Giller K.E. | 2013 | Adaptive cropping practices, Semi-arid Climate change, Maize, Food security, Post-harvest storage, pests | Agricultural Systems, 118, 91–104 | All Countries | |
Rurinda J., Mapfumo P., van Wijk M.T., Mtambanengwe F., Rufino M.C., Chikowo R., Giller K.E. | 2013 | Adaptation options, Maize cultivar, Planting date, Climate variability, Soil fertility management | Field Crops Research, 154, 211-225. | Zimbabwe | |
Rusinamhodzi L., Corbeels M., Zingore S., Nyamangara J., Giller K.E. | 2013 | Cattle manure; Maize production, Crop–livestock systems, Degraded soils, Nutrient gradients, Integrated soil fertility management (ISFM), Ecological intensification (EI) | Field Crops Research, 147, 40-53. | Zimbabwe | |
Sassen M., Sheil D., Giller K.E., ter Braak C.J.F. | 2013 | Forest cover change, Conservation management, Protected areas, Local livelihoods, Coffee, Mt Elgon | Biological Conservation, 159, 257-268. | All Countries | |
Tittonell, P., Giller, K.E. | 2013 | Cereal yields, Cassava, Highland banana, Grain legumes, Boundary line analysis, Soil organic matter, Soil degradation, Non-responsive soils | Field Crops Research, 143, 76-90. | All Countries | |
Traore B., Corbeels M., van Wijk M.T., Rufino M.C., Giller K.E. | 2013 | Effects of climate variability and climate change on crop production in southern Mali. |
Climate change, Temperature increase, Rainfall variability, Cotton, West Africa | European Journal of Agronomy, 49, 115-125. | Mali |
Baudron F., Andersson J.A., Corbeels M., Giller K.E. | 2012 | Failing to Yield, Ploughs, conservation agriculture, agricultural intensification | The Journal of Development Studies, 48, 393-412. | Zimbabwe | |
Baudron F., Tittonell P., Corbeels M., Letourmy P., Giller K.E. | 2012 | Conservation agriculture, Smallholder, Semi-arid area, Cotton, Surface crusting, Soil compaction | Field Crops Research, 132, 117-128. | Zimbabwe | |
Bucagu C., Vanlauwe B., van Wijk M.T., Giller K.E. | 2012 | Assessing farmers’ interest in agroforestry in two contrasting agro-ecological zones of Rwanda. |
Tree species, Biophysical factors, Farmer resource groups, Tree testing, Farmer evaluation | Agroforestry Systems, 87, 141–158. | Rwanda |
Guto S.N., de Ridder N., Giller K.E., Pypers P., Vanlauwe B. | 2012 | Napier, Leucaena, Yield suppression, Competition, complementarity | Field Crops Research, 132, 129-138. | Kenya | |
Kamau M.W., Burger K., Giller K.E., Kuyvenhoven A. | 2012 | Marginal product of labour, allocative efficiency, within farm, Kenya. | African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 7, 3375–3384. | Kenya | |
Murungweni C., Andersson J.A., van Wijk M.T., Gwitira I., Giller K.E. | 2012 | Mitigating effects of drought on livestock, semi-arid areas of Southern Africa, Ethnobotany. | Ethnobotany Research and Applications, 10, 199-212. | Southern Africa | |
Naudin K., Scopel E., Andriamandroso A.L.H., Rakotosolofo M., Andriamarosoa Ratsimbazafy N.R.S., Rakotozandriny J.N., Salgado P., Giller K.E. | 2012 | Biomass use, soil cover, rice-based cropping systems, Madagascar. | Experimental Agriculture, 48, 194-209. | Madagascar | |
Rusinamhodzi L., Corbeels M., Nyamangara J., Giller K.E. | 2012 | Maize–grain legume intercropping, Intensification, Extensification, Crop productivity, Profitability, Climatic risk | Field Crops Research, 136, 12-22. | Mozambique | |
Giller K.E., Corbeels M., Nyamangara J., Triomphe B., Affholder F., Scopel E., Tittonell P. | 2011 | Zero-tillage, Labour productivity, Trade-off analysis, Weed control, Innovation systems | Field Crops Research, 124, 468–472. | All Countries | |
Giller K.E., Murwira M.S., Dhliwayo D.K.C., Mafongoya P.L., Mpepereki S. | 2011 | nitrogen fixation, rhizobial inoculants, rotational benefits, soil fertility | International Journal Agriculture Sustainability, 9, 50-58. | All Countries | |
Giller K.E., Tittonel, P., Rufino M.C., van Wijk M.T., Zingore S., Mapfumo P., Adjei-Nsiah S., Herrero M., Chikowo R., Corbeels M., Rowe E.C., Baijukya F., Mwijage A., Smith J., Yeboah E., van der Burg W.J., Sanogo O.M., Misiko M., de Ridder N., Karanja S | 2011 | Crop–livestock systems, Soil fertility, Smallholders, Farm types, Simulation modelling | Agricultural Systems, 104, 191-203. | All Countries | |
Masvaya E.N., Nyamangara J., Nyawasha R.W., Zingore S., Delve R.J., Giller K.E. | 2011 | Agro-ecology Nutrient management strategies Plant nutrient uptake Resource endowment Soil fertility variability | Chapter in: Bationo, A., Waswa, B., Okeyo, J.M., Maina, F., Kihara, J. (Eds.), Innovations as Key to the Green Revolution in Africa: Exploring the Scientific Facts. Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 1221-1229. | Zimbabwe | |
Murungweni C., Van Wijk M.T., Andersson J.A., Smaling E.M.A., Giller K.E. | 2011 | Application of fuzzy cognitive mapping in livelihood vulnerability analysis. |
drought, fuzzy cognitive mapping, Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area, livelihood, southeastern Zimbabwe, vulnerability | Ecology and Society, 16. | All Countries |
Rufino M.C., Dury J., Tittonell P., van Wijk M.T., Herrero M., Zingore S., Mapfumo P., Giller K.E. | 2011 | Crop–livestock interactions, Dynamic modelling, Cattle, Crop residues, Grasslands | Agricultural Systems, 104, 175-190. | Zimbabwe | |
Rusinamhodzi L., Corbeels M., van Wijk M., Rufino M.C., Nyamangara J., Giller K.E. | 2011 | Conservation agriculture, Maize grain yield, Meta-analysis,Stability analysis, Rain-fed conditions, Southern Africa | Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 31, 657-763. | All Countries | |
Tittonell P., Vanlauwe B., Misiko M., Giller K.E. | 2011 | Sub-Saharan Africa, Farm typology, Markets, Soil fertility, Resource use efficiency, Agricultural inputs | Book chapter in: Bationo, A., Waswa, B., Okeyo, J.M., Maina, F., Kihara, J. (Eds.), Innovations as Key to the Green Revolution in Africa: Exploring the Scientific Facts. Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 747-758. | All Countries | |
Zingore S., Tittonell P., Corbeels M., Wijk M.T., Giller K.E. | 2011 | Soil fertility gradients, Resource allocation, Modelling, Maize production, FIELD model,NUANCES-FARMSIM | Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 90, 87-103. | Zimbabwe | |
Chikowo R., Corbeels M., Mapfumo P., Tittonell P., Vanlauwe B., Giller K.E. | 2010 | Nutrient use efficiency, Sub-Saharan Africa, Nutrient mining, Fertilizers, Manure, Legumes, Cropping systems modeling | Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 88, 59-77. | All Countries | |
de Vries M.E., Rodenburg J., Bado B.V., Sow A., Leffelaar P.A., Giller K.E. | 2010 | Rice production with less irrigation water is possible in a Sahelian environment. |
Alternate wetting and drying, Fertilizer N supply, Herbicides, N use efficiency, Oryza sativa L., Water productivity, Weed control | Field Crops Research, 116, 154-164. | All Countries |
de Vries S., van de Ven G., van Ittersum M., Giller K. | 2010 | Biofuel, Bioethanol, Biodiesel, Energy, Sustainability, Soil organic matter, Soil erosion, Greenhouse gas emissions, Water use | Biomass and Bioenergy, 34, 588-601. | All Countries | |
Ebanyat P., de Ridder N., de Jager A., Delve R.J., Bekunda M.A., Giller K.E. | 2010 | Population growth, Political instability, Land use change, Nutrient balances, Farm typology, Sub-Saharan Africa | Population and Environment, 31, 474-506. | Uganda | |
Ebanyat P., Ridder N., Jager A., Delve R.J., Bekunda M.A., Giller K.E. | 2010 | Landscape position, Field type, Legume biomass productivity, N2-fixation, P application, Farmers acceptance, Benefit cost ratios, Smallholder farms, Sub-Saharan Africa | Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 87, 209-231. | All Countries | |
Fermont A.M., Babirye A., Obiero H.M., Abele S., Giller K.E. | 2010 | False beliefs on the socio-economic drivers of cassava cropping. |
food security, income, input use, labour, wealth classes, weed management | Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 30, 433-444. | All Countries |
Fermont A.M., Tittonell P.A., Baguma Y., Ntawuruhunga P., Giller K.E. | 2010 | Towards understanding factors that govern fertilizer response in cassava: lessons from East Africa. |
Cost-benefit analysis, Kenya, Rainfall, Small-holder farms, Soil fertility, Sub-Saharan Africa, Uganda, Variability, Weed management | Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 86, 133-151. | All Countries |
Kamanga B.C.G., Waddington S.R., Robertson M.J., Giller K.E. | 2010 | Risk analysis, maize, legume, crop combinations, smallholder farmers, resource endowment, Central Malawi. | Experimental Agriculture, 46, 1-21. | Malawi | |
Kamanga B.C.G., Whitbread A., Wall P., Waddington S.R., Almekinders C., Giller K.E. | 2010 | Farmer evaluation of phosphorus fertilizer application to annual legumes in Chisepo, Central Malawi. |
Grain legume, farmer participation, soil analysis. | African Journal of Agricultural Research, 5, 668-680. | Malawi |
Naudin K., Gozé E., Balarabe O., Giller K.E. | 2010 | Sorghum, Maize, Cover crops, Conservation agriculture | Soil and Tillage Research, 108, 68-76. | Cameroon | |
Nyombi K., van Asten P.J.A., Corbeels M., Taulya G., Leffelaar P.A., Giller K.E. | 2010 | QUEFTS model, Recovery fractions, Nutrient mass fractions, Fertilizer recommendations | Field Crops Research, 117, 38-50. | All Countries | |
Rusinamhodzi L., Rufino M.C., van Wijk M., Nyamangara J., Corbeels M., Giller K.E. | 2010 | Long-term effects of conservation agriculture practices on maize yields under rain-fed conditions. |
Sorghum, Maize, Cover crops, Conservation agriculture, Africa | In: Wery, J., Shili-Touzi, I., Perrin, A. (Eds.), Proceedings of Agro2010 - the XIth ESA Congress. August 29th - September 3rd, 2010, Montpellier, France. Agropolis International Editions, Montpellier, France, pp. 253-254. | All Countries |
Tittonell P., Corbeels M., van Wijk M.T., Giller K.E. | 2010 | Sub-Saharan Africa, Kenya, Mali, Maize, Sweet potato, Cotton, Soil organic carbon, Model complexity | European Journal of Agronomy, 32, 10-21. | All Countries | |
Tittonell P., Rufino M.C., Janssen B.H., Giller K.E. | 2010 | Sub-Saharan Africa, Carbon dioxide emissions, Green house gases, Nutrient balances, Integrated soil fertility management, Low-technology composting, Leaching, Volatilisation | Plant and Soil, 328, 253-269. | Kenya | |
Vanlauwe B., Bationo A., Chianu J., Giller K.E., Merckx R., Mokwunye U., Ohiokpehai O., Pypers P., Tabo R., Shepherd K., Smaling E.M.A., Woomer P.L. | 2010 | Integrated soil fertility management, Operational definition and consequences for implementation, dissemination. | Outlook on Agriculture, 39, 17-24. | All Countries | |
Baudron F., Corbeels M., Monicat F., Giller K.E. | 2009 | Cotton, Smallholders, Productivity, Sustainability, Biodiversity | Biodiversity and Conservation, 18, 2625-2644. | All Countries | |
Fermont A.M., van Asten P.J.A., Tittonell P., van Wijk M.T., Giller K.E. | 2009 | Closing the cassava yield gap: An analysis from smallholder farms in East Africa. |
Agriculture, Boundary line analysis, Drought, Nutrient management, Production constraints, Soil fertility, Weed management | Field Crops Research, 112, 24-36. | All Countries |
Giller K.E., Witter E., Corbeels M., Tittonell P. | 2009 | Conservation agriculture and smallholder farming in Africa: The heretics’ view. |
Sub-Saharan Africa, No tillage, Zero-tillage, Soil conservation, Crop residue, Mulch, Soil carbon, Adoption | Field Crops Research, 114, 23-34. | All Countries |
Ncube B., Dimes J., Van Wijk M., Twomlow S., Giller K.E. | 2009 | APSIM, Nitrogen uptake, N2-fixation, Stress factors | Field Crops Research, 110, 173-184. | Zimbabwe | |
Ncube B., Twomlow S., Dimes J., van Wijk M.T., Giller K.E. | 2009 | Grain legumes, food availability, manure, resource flow | Soil Use and Management, 25, 78-90. | Zimbabwe | |
Nyombi K., van Asten P.J.A., Leffelaar P.A., Corbeels M., Kaizzi C.K., Giller K.E. | 2009 | Biomass, girth, height, leaf area, radiation interception | Annals of Applied Biology, 155, 403-418. | Uganda | |
Rufino M.C., Herrero M., van Wijk M.T., Hemerik L., de Ridder N., Giller K.E. | 2009 | LIVSIM (LIVestock SIMulator), dairy cattle, lifetime productivity, smallholder farming systems | Animal, 3, 1044-1056. | Kenya | |
Rufino M.C., Tittonell P., Reidsma P., López-Ridaura S., Hengsdijk H., Giller K.E., Verhagen A. | 2009 | Diversity, Intensification, Integration, Farming system analysis, Dependence | Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 85, 169-186. | All Countries | |
Tittonell P., van Wijk M.T., Herrero M., Rufino M.C., de Ridder N., Giller K.E. | 2009 | Sub-Saharan Africa, Farming systems design, Smallholder farms, Farm-scale modeling, Food security, Resource use efficiency | Agricultural Systems, 101, 1-19. | Kenya | |
van Wijk M.T., Tittonell P., Rufino M.C., Herrero M., Pacini C., de Ridder N., Giller K.E. | 2009 | Mixed crop–livestock systems, Farming system model, Sub-Saharan Africa, Sensitivity analysis | Agricultural Systems, 102, 89-101. | All Countries | |
Zingore S., Gonzalez-Estrada E., Delve R.J., Herrero M., Dimes J.P., Giller K.E. | 2009 | Integrated modeling, Resource allocation, Farm wealth status, Soil fertility gradient, Trade-off analysis | Agricultural Systems Volume 101, 57–68. | Zimbabwe | |
Zingore S., González-Estrada E., Delve R.J., Herrero M., Dimes J.P., Giller, K.E. | 2009 | Integrated modeling, Resource allocation, Farm wealth status, Soil fertility gradient, Trade-off analysis | Agricultural Systems, 101, 57-68. | Zimbabwe | |
Adjei-Nsiah, S., Kuyper, T.W., Leeuwis, C., Abekoe, M., Cobbinah, J., Sakyi-Dawson, O., & Giller, K.E. | 2008 | 15N, natural abundance, Forage cowpea, Marketability, Crop rotations | Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 80, 199-209. | All Countries | |
Baijukya F.P., de Ridder N., Lubbers M., Giller, K.E. | 2008 | Banana based systems, Bukoba district, utilization of legumes | PhD thesis, Wageningen University, Wageningen. | Tanzania | |
Zingore S., Delve R.J., Nyamangara J., Giller, K.E. | 2008 | Fertilizer, Manure, Micronutrient deficiency, Multiple nutrient deficiencies, Soil fertility gradients | Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 80, 267-282. | Zimbabwe | |
Zingore S., Murwira H.K., Delve R.J., Giller, K.E. | 2008 | Soyabean, Soil fertility gradients, P use efficiency, Manure, Rotations | Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 80, 1-18. | Zimbabwe | |
Adjei-Nsiah S., Kuyper T.W., Leeuwis C., Abekoe M., Giller, K.E. | 2007 | Cassava, Cropping sequence, Rotation, Nitrogen, Pigeonpea, Speargrass, Return on investment | Field Crops Research, 103, 87-97. | Ghana | |
Adjei-Nsiah S., Leeuwis C., Sakyi-Dawson O., Giller K.E., Kuyper T.W. | 2007 | Ethnicity, gender, land tenure, livelihood, soil fertility management, wealth | International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 5, 176-194. | Ghana | |
Chivenge P.P., Murwira H.K., Giller K.E., Mapfumo P., Six, J. | 2007 | Particulate organic matter, Soil organic carbon, Tillage, Residue management, Conservation tillage, Tropical agro ecosystems | Soil & Tillage Research, 94, 328-337. | All Countries | |
Kamau, M. | 2007 | Farm Household, Allocative Efficiency, Labour Use, Western Kenya. | PhD thesis, Wageningen University, Wageningen, NL. | Kenya | |
Ncube B., Twomlow S.J., van Wijk M.T., Dimes J.P., Giller, K.E. | 2007 | Cereal, Crop rotation, Food security, Nitrogen fixation, Residues, Soil water | Plant and Soil, 299, 1-15. | Zimbabwe | |
Ncube, B. | 2007 | Understanding Cropping Systems, Semi-arid Environments of Zimbabwe, Options for Soil Fertility Management. | PhD thesis, Wageningen University, Wageningen. | Zimbabwe | |
Nyamadzawo G., Chikowo R., Nyamugafata P., Giller, K.E. | 2007 | Improved fallows, Tillage, Soil organic carbon, Aggregate stability, Infiltration rates | Soil & Tillage Research, 96, 182-194. | Zimbabwe | |
Ojiem J.O., Vanlauwe B., de Ridder N., Giller K.E. | 2007 | Agro-ecological zones, N2–fixation, 15N natural abundance, On-farm Trade-offs | Plant and Soil, 292, 119-135. | Kenya | |
Rufino M.C., Tittonell P., van Wijk M.T., Castellanos-Navarrete A., Delve R.J., de Ridder N., Giller, K.E. | 2007 | Sub-Saharan Africa, NCE, Fuzzy logic modelling, FARMSIM, HEAPSIM | Livestock Science, 112, 273-287. | All Countries | |
Tittonell P., Shepherd K.D., Vanlauwe B., Giller, K.E. | 2007 | Near infrared spectroscopy, Local soil quality indicators, Soil fertility variability, Maize yield, Sub-Saharan Africa | Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 123, 137-150. | Kenya | |
Tittonell P., van Wijk M.T., Rufino M.C., Vrugt J.A., Giller K.E. | 2007 | DYNBAL model, MOSCEM, Soil erosion, N balance, Maize yield | Agricultural Systems, 95, 76-95. | Kenya | |
Tittonell P., Vanlauwe B., de Ridder N., Giller K.E. | 2007 | Resource allocation, Labour productivity, DYNBAL model, N balance, N use efficiency | Agricultural Systems, 94, 376-390. | Kenya | |
Tittonell P., Zingore S., van Wijk M., Corbeels M.C., Giller K.E. | 2007 | Soil fertility gradients, Farmers’ perceptions, Management intensity gradients, Field typology, Local soil quality indicators | Field Crops Research, 100, 348-368. | Kenya | |
Tittonell P., Zingore, S. van Wijk M., Corbeels M.C., Giller K.E. | 2007 | Sub-Saharan Africa, FARMSIM, FIELD, Resource use efficiency, Rotations, Maize, Soyabean | Field Crops Research, 100, 348-368. | Zimbabwe | |
Tittonell, P. | 2007 | Targeting resources within diverse, heterogeneous and dynamic farming systems of East Africa. | PhD thesis, Wageningen University, Wageningen, NL. | All Countries | |
Zingore S., Murwira H.K., Delve R.J., Giller K.E. | 2007 | oil fertility gradients, Resource allocation, Farmer decision making, Nutrient use efficiencies | Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 119, 112-126. | Zimbabwe | |
Zingore S., Murwira H.K., Delve R.J., Giller K.E. | 2007 | Soil fertility gradients, Fertilizer and manure allocation, Nutrient use efficiency | Field Crops Research, 101, 296-305. | All Countries | |
Adjei-Nsiah, S. | 2006 | Cropping systems, land tenure, social diversity, Wenchi, Ghana, implications for soil fertility management. | PhD thesis, Wageningen University, Wageningen. | Ghana | |
Baijukya F.P., de Ridder N., Giller K.E. | 2006 | legume cover crops, maize yield, N-mineralisation, N uptake, N use efficiency, residue quality | Plant and Soil, 279, 77-93. | Tanzania | |
Baijukya, F.P. | 2006 | Adapting to change, Banana-bases farming Systems, Northwest Tanzania, potential role of herbaceous legumes. | PhD thesis, Wageningen University, Wageningen. | Tanzania | |
Chikowo R., Mapfumo P., Leffelaar P.A., Giller K.E. | 2006 | Acacia angustissima, Leaching, N mineralization, Nitrous oxide, Polyphenols, Residue quality, Sesbania sesban | Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 76, 219-231. | Zimbabwe | |
Giller K.E., Rowe E., de Ridder N., van Keulen H. | 2006 | Resource use dynamics and interactions in the tropics: Scaling up in space and time. |
Crop/livestock systems, Spatial dynamics, Self-organization, Whole farm analysis, Scaling up | Agricultural Systems, 88, 8-27. | All Countries |
Mtambanengwe F., Mapfumo P. | 2006 | maize yield, N fertilizer, nitrate leaching, N-release, organic resource quality, sandy soil, smallholder farmer | Plant and Soil 281, 173-191. | Zimbabwe | |
Ncube B., Dimes J.P., Twomlow S.J., Mupangwa W., Giller K.E. | 2006 | Cattle manure, Maize yields, Nitrogen fertilizer, On-farm research, Smallholder farming | Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 77, 53-67. | All Countries | |
Ojiem J.O., de Ridder N., Vanlauwe B., Giller K.E. | 2006 | Socio-ecological niche, framework for integration of legumes in smallholder farming systems. | International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 4, 79-93. | All Countries | |
Ojiem, J.O. | 2006 | Exploring socio-ecological niches for legumes in smallholder farming systems of western Kenya. |
niches for legumes in smallholder farming systems, western Kenya. | PhD thesis, Wageningen University, Wageningen. | Kenya |
Rowe E.C., van Wijk M.T., de Ridder N., Giller K.E. | 2006 | Nutrient allocation strategies across a simplified heterogeneous African smallholder farm. |
Manure, Resource use efficiency, Nutrient flows, Farming systems, Spatial heterogeneity | Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 116, 60-71. | All Countries |
Rufino M.C., Rowe E.C., Delve R.J., Giller K.E. | 2006 | Nitrogen cycling efficiencies through resource-poor African crop-livestock systems: A review. |
Cattle, Compost, Feed intake, Manure, Nitrogen use efficiency, N losses | Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 112, 261-282. | All Countries |
Tittonell P., Leffelaar P., Vanlauwe B., van Wijk M., Giller K.E. | 2006 | Soil fertility gradients, Western Kenya, Sub-Saharan Africa, Resource use efficiency, Farm heterogeneity, Participatory modelling | Agricultural Systems, 91, 71-101. | All Countries | |
Tittonell P., van Wijk M.T., Giller K.E. | 2006 | Tradeoffs, nutrient (N), cash and labour resources ,smallholder African farms | Book chapter in: N Management in Agrosystems in Relation to the Water Framework Directive (eds J.J. Shröder & J.J. Neeteson) pp. 108-110. Plant Research International, Wageningen. | All Countries | |
Vanlauwe B., Giller K.E. | 2006 | Popular myths around soil fertility management in sub-Saharan Africa. |
Biological N fixation, Fertilizer, Legumes, Nutrient balances, Organic resources, Rock phosphate | Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 116, 34-46. | All Countries |
Vanlauwe B., Tittonell P., Mukulama J. | 2006 | Limiting nutrient trial, NPK application, Olsen-P, Soil fertility gradients | Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 76, 171-182. | Kenya | |
Zengeni R., Mpepereki S., Giller K.E. | 2006 | Manure, Persistence, Rhizobia, Soyabean, Survival | Applied Soil Ecology, 32, 232-242. | Zimbabwe | |
Zingore, S. | 2006 | Exploring diversity, smallholder farming systems, Zimbabwe, Nutrient use efficiencies, resource management strategies for crop production. | PhD thesis, Wageningen University, Wageningen. | Zimbabwe | |
Baijukya F.P., de Ridder N., Giller K.E. | 2005 | Labour productivity, Nutrient depleted soils, Short fallow legumes, Smallholder farms | Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 73, 75-87. | Tanzania | |
Baijukya F.P., de Ridder N., Masuki K.F., Giller K.E. | 2005 | Land use changes, Cropping pattern, Livestock systems, Nutrient balances, Sustainability | Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 106, 395-406. | Tanzania | |
Giller K.E., Tittonell P., Zingore S., van Wijk M., Rowe E., Delve R.J., de Ridder N., Vanlauwe B. | 2005 | Dynamics and heterogeneity in African farming systems: Strategic niche management or the (de)fault of poverty. |
Dynamics and heterogeneity in African farming systems, Strategic niche management, global food | In: The Global Food and Product Chain - Dynamics, Innovations, Conflicts, Strategies: Tropentag 2005 Book of Abstracts (eds E. Tielkes, C. Hulsebusch, I. Hauser, A. Deiniger & K. Becker) pp. 84. University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart | All Countries |
Mapfumo P., Mtambanengwe F., Giller K.E., Mpepereki S. | 2005 | Indigenous herbaceous legumes, Species diversity, N2-fixation, Indigenous legume fallows, Soil fertility, Resource-poor farmers, Nutrient-depleted soils | Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 109, 221-233. | Zimbabwe | |
Mtambanengwe F., Mapfumo P. | 2005 | Farmer class, In situ biomass, Organic matter management, Soil fertility gradients, Soil organic carbon | Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 73, 227-243. | Zimbabwe | |
Tittonell P., Vanlauwe B., Leffelaar P.A., Giller K.E. | 2005 | Farm variability, Harvest index, Maize allometry, Soil fertility gradients, Sub-Saharan Africa | Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 105, 213-220. | All Countries | |
Tittonell P., Vanlauwe B., Leffelaar P.A., Rowe E., Giller K.E. | 2005 | Soil fertility gradients, Farm typology, Sub-Saharan Africa, Nutrient balances, Manure, Fertiliser | Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 110, 149-165. | Kenya | |
Zingore S., Manyame C., Nyamugafata P., Giller K.E. | 2005 | Long-term changes in organic matter of woodland soils cleared for arable cropping in Zimbabwe. |
Organic matter, woodland soils, arable cropping, Zimbabwe. | European Journal of Soil Science, 56, 727-736. | Zimbabwe |
Adjei-Nsiah S., Leeuwis C., Giller K.E., Sakyi-Dawson O., Cobbina J., Kuyper T.W., Abekoe M., Van der Werf W. | 2004 | bush fallow, cowpea, pigeon pea, cassava, maize | NJAS Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences, 52, 331-348. | Ghana | |
Chikowo R., Mapfumo P., Nyamugafata P., Giller K.E. | 2004 | Legumes, Sandy soils, Soil fertility technologies, Root length density, Mineral N, Arenosol, Zimbabwe | Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 102, 109-131. | Zimbabwe | |
Chikowo R., Mapfumo P., Nyamugafata P., Giller K.E. | 2004 | improved fallows, leaching, maize, nitrous oxide, subsoil capture, synchrony | Plant and Soil, 259, 315-330. | Zimbabwe | |
Chikowo R., Mapfumo P., Nyamugafata P., Giller K.E. | 2004 | Acacia angustissima, Cajanus cajan, conservation tillage, cowpea, N2-fixation, maize, pest infestation, Sesbania sesban | Plant and Soil, 262, 303-315. | Zimbabwe | |
Chikowo, R. | 2004 | Nitrogen Cycling in Agroforestry Systems of Sub-humid Zimbabwe: Closing the Loop. |
Nitrogen Cycling in Agroforestry Systems. Sub-humid Zimbabwe. | PhD thesis, Wageningen University, Wageningen. | Zimbabwe |
de Ridder N., Breman H., van Keulen H., Stomph T.J. | 2004 | Soil fertility, Management, Farming systems dynamics, West Africa | Agricultural Systems, 80, 109-131. | All Countries | |
Chikowo R., Mapfumo P., Nyamugafata P., Nyamadzawo G., Giller K.E. | 2003 | Leaching, N2-fixation, N mineralization, Nutrient cycling, Root length density, Subsoil nutrients | Agroforestry Systems, 59, 187-195. | Zimbabwe | |
Nyamadzawo G., Nyamugafata P., Chikowo R., Giller K.E. | 2003 | Infiltration rate, Fallowing, Hydraulic conductivity, Porosity, Tillage | Agroforestry Systems, 59, 207-214. | Zimbabwe | |
Nyamangara J., Bergström L., Piha M.I., Giller K.E. | 2003 | Fertiliser use efficiency and nitrate leaching in a tropical sandy soil. |
Fertiliser use efficiency, nitrate leaching, tropical sandy soil. | Journal of Environmental Quality, 32, 599-606. | All Countries |
Nyamangara J., Piha M.I., Giller K.E. | 2003 | Effect of combined cattle manure and mineral nitrogen on maize N uptake and grain yield. |
Manure, mineral nitrogen, maize N uptake, grain yield. | African Journal of Crop Science, 11, 289-300. | All Countries |
Tittonell, P. | 2003 | Soil Fertility Gradients, Smallholder Farms, Western Kenya | MSc Thesis, Wageningen University, Wageningen. | Kenya | |
Giller K.E., Cadisch G., & Palm C.A. | 2002 | The North-South Divide! Organic Wastes, or Resources for Nutrient Management? |
nitrogen use efficiency, organic resource quality, N mineralization, cattle manure, tropical agriculture | Agronomie, 22, 703-709 | All Countries |
Giller, K.E. | 2002 | Targeting management of organic resources and mineral fertilizers | Book chapter in: Balanced Nutrient Management Systems for the Moist Savanna and Humid Forest Zones of Africa. pp. 155-171. CAB International, Wallingford. | All Countries |